6 quick tips to shoot Nature photos with your smartphone

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28th Jan 2020
6 quick tips to shoot Nature photos with your smartphone

Nature is the immediate photographable stuff. 

We never run out of nature.

It is interesting and has something new to offer everyday. 

Thanks to our good-quality-camera smartphones. We never run out of clicking nature pictures.

But even the most beautiful, photographable object might not have the best location or light to capture it. 

To ensure clicking the best pictures, we have these six easy tips for your smartphone camera:

Straighten out your horizon

Make sure to straighten the horizon as a crooked horizon can ruin the image. It may take some time but you will get it right. 

HDR Mode to the rescue

HDR mode will take several photos in rapid succession and then combine the image data into one photo. As a result, it will preserve more details that might otherwise get blown out or lost in dark shadows. This is especially handy in high-contrast scenes like bright daylight. 

Pick a time to shoot

A good light or a majestic view need to kept in mind while capturing. The most breathtaking captures take place roughly an hour before sunrise and then again before sunset. This is what we suggest, but we would like to know from you: what time of the day do you prefer shooting? 

The placement of the sun

No, we are not saying that you have been given some mystical powers to place the sun. But in order to keep the direct flash of sun out of your image, try shading the lens of your camera by using your hand as a brim of a hat or something to avoid washing the contrast out of your picture. 

Rule of Third

To maintain the balance and also to employ the ‘Rule of Thumb’, make sure that image is covered with enough nature in sight. Nothing should look like too much sky or too much grass. Make sure the image is evenly spread with the most interesting parts of the scene.

Give your image scale

The smartphone cameras do tend to make spectacular things less impressive. In order to make the mountains look majestic and the forest look dense, try scaling. It will make the image look exactly like the scene. 

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