An Ode to Foodgrammers - World Food Day

What would Instagram look like without foodporn at all? What would you do if, one day, it is declared that posting pictures of food on IG will get you banned? Wait, stop imagining because that ain't ever gonna happen! Today, on World Food Day, we wish to thank all the foodgrammers for pushing us towards trying our hands at some luxurious cooking and making us a lot more diet conscious.
To all the foodgrammers,
Thank you for your
1) Picture book of meals - Some food items look so good when they are presented well. They look the best when you give them your finishing touches, not just the garnishing, but also the insta-touchups.
2) The 30 seconds ez recipes - We’ve always saved the recipes that are made to look so easy that we’ve always tried our hands on them. Keep inspiring us to get inside the kitchen on a regular basis.
3) You’ve shown us that healthy food is delish - You post a bowl full of strawberries with blueberries on top of them and expect us not to be lured? Who thought the mere splash of fruity colours would be so tempting to resist? Thank you for making it easier for the many wives to make their husbands healthier.
4) The foodie knowledge - An extra calorie here should be covered by green veggies, legumes, calcium rich food, fruit, whole grains… The science behind the food we eat is equally important. Thank you for allowing us to understand the food that we eat every day.
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